Why Choose Aluminium Casement Windows
Our aluminium casement windows are part of the first thermally broken aluminium system to feature Smart’s pioneering coextruded glazing gasket. This significantly reduces fabrication and installation time into your home or business premises.
With square profiles and slim sightlines, casement windows provide excellent weather and thermal performance as well as given you peace of mind with a PAS24 accreditation.
All the windows we install in Scunthorpe feature a multipoint locking system and an inline locking handle as standard.
Our casement windows have a U-value of 1.4 W/m²K and a WER rating of A.
Call our team today on 01724 859326 to find out more.
Our Aluminium Casement Windows Are...
Aesthetically Pleasing
Slim sightlines of 81mm mean our windows blend seamlessly into your home or business premises.
Designed To Retain Heat
The glass in our standard aluminium casement windows is 28mm thick, double glazed units for low-e energy ratings and thermal efficiency.
The aluminium windows we provide can be used across both commercial and domestic projects.
Our windows use a multi-point locking system and are fitted with an inline locking handle as standard.
Dual Colour
Dual colour allows you to have different colours on either side of the window, meaning you can match both your interior and exterior styles.
Fully Tested
Our windows are fully tested and certified. Air tested up to Class 4, 600Pa, water tested to Class AE 2400Pa and wind tested to Class AE, 2000+Pa.

Technical details:
Application: Domestic / commercial
Finish: Single / dual colour, marine quality polyester powder coated
Profile: Square
Lock mechanism: Multi-point locking, inline locking handle
Frame depth: 70mm
WER Rating: A
U-value: 1.4 W/m²K
Air tested: Class 4, 600Pa
Water tested: Class AE, 2400Pa
Wind tested: Class AE, 2000+Pa
Glazing: DG 28mm, TG 36mm
Cills: 85mm, 150mm, 190mm, 225mm, 300mm

Aluminium Windows
See our full range of energy efficient, stylish and secure Aluminium Windows .

Aluminium Tilt & Turn Windows
Tilt & Turn windows offer higher performance windows with a wide choice of options.
Speak To Our Team
- 01724 859 326
- info@highsealfsg.co.uk
- Fair Share Group Limited, 26 Hebden Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 8DT